Starship prompt

Your shell prompt, ON STEROIDS // Starship

The Starship Prompt Offers Infinite Possibilities

New *incredible* mac OS terminal! (warp + starship + zsh)

Painless prompt setup with Starship [Terminal Velocity 3]

Ultimate Starship Shell Prompt Setup From Scratch

From Boring to Productive: Customize Your Shell Prompt with Starship

How to Configure Starship to Look Exactly Like P10K (zsh + Warp + MacOS)

Starship Prompt: Building Custom Modules

Shinefy The AI King - Spaceship Earth (Official AI Music Video)

A Linux Shell Prompt That's Out Of This World!

Switching to Starship for my Bash Prompt

How to setup Starship-Cross-Shell prompt

Make Your Terminal Look Cooler (OMZ + P10k + Starship)

Starship: A Cross Shell Prompt For Astronauts

Starship is all the hype now! A Rust prompt written in rust! #tutorial #commandlinetool #dev

Customize your shell with starship

We may have killed p10k, so I found the perfect replacement.

NuShell - Starship Prompt Customization (Very Easy and No Circles I Promise)

Console Terminal Customisation with ZSH + Starship (plugins & themes)

How to make your Linux or Mac terminal BEAUTIFUL

Starship Prompt - Customising Windows Powershell

My Bash Prompt

Starship prompt is unreasonably slow

Lesson 5 - Configuring Starship Prompt